Iraqi Schoolgirls, 1932
Beyond these walls there’s a place
where they are sisters and daughters
and soon, inshallah, virtuous
wives- and mothers-to-be.
Out there where modesty's praised,
their future's determined.
Their allurements buried
like a hoard, each bride-price
is settled. Being who they are
and where they come from,
each is a link in the chain
that holds the world together.
The same acquiescence
guarantees their quietness
in this studious zone,
where peering eyes absorb
the shapes their fingers follow:
alif, baa, taa … Filling in
the vowels from memory,
they hear syllables murmuring
inside their heads.
And who can say
what they'll make of all the things they learn –
their lives safe and circumscribed,
their lips scarcely moving?
Wed 30th Oct 2019 21:39
Nowt beats the attendant eye. ?