A degree of separation: A degree of change
A degree of separation
to the hidden space
from -a split second found-
between the words and the meaning
to words a minute older
to the un-found space
to pen or key-board to page or screen
and time's arrowed leaning
all writings are simultaneously
and multi-pace
ushered in and abandoned out
and left- resolved
until upon reflection
they are then un-solved
but left again abandoned
nothing is ever finished
but a matter of separation
all things are alas abandoned
all things change
all things become
Universal property
all things remain in stasis
all things finally
remain in change.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 11th Feb 2010 12:43
Simply great poem. An insightful use of 'the constancy of change' idea which is both interesting and well constructed.