The Lambeth Judgement
The Lambeth Judgement
From within the walls of the Church´s hierarchy
comes more drivel and senseless malarky
Bishops from around the world are invited
to a conference with their wives to be seated
But if the bishop has announced he´s gay
his married same sex partner is to be kept away
What would Jesus think of such exclusion
Our Blessed Lord who taught us inclusion
The Church conceals its appalling abuse
with bishops and priests, criminals on the loose
This gathering of hypocrites is laid bare
for all of Christendom to stand and stare
They say one thing and do another
even when it comes to one of them being a brother
A Church discredited pours shame on itself
as it abuses and excludes and amasses more wealth
These white sepulchres do not repent to their Saviour
but engage in obscene and criminal behaviour
They have failed in their mission to cheat
and with any decency they should go into retreat
The pews are empty and churches redundant
but the faithful have not given into abandonment
As Jesus cleansed the Temple in Jerusalem
so will God purge the Church to desolation
Then armed with truth and love
which can only come from above
To the hypocrites and excluders
read well your Holy Book
because by it you will be brought to book
M.C. Newberry
Wed 27th Feb 2019 14:37
I am not of the practising Christian church-led faith but I support
the humane aspects of its teachings, which, if following Christ's
own, should be about promoting love - in all its aspects. Sadly, the
established Church has let power and influence diminish this vital
component and relegate it to the sidelines of its own defined limits
of religious acceptance. It is small wonder that there is such public
disquiet among followers of the established religious foundations
when their leaders are being increasingly seen to be guilty of the
"sins" they condemn in others whilst at the same time they pose as the servants of Christ.. Hypocrisy and holier-than-thou humbug!
I can readily understand the anger that sees these lines brought to our attention.