The valley
(for Chris - sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt - there are tears at the heart of life itself)
Certain landscapes remain firm in the mind,
Don't vary much over distance or time,
Reminders, scattered in field, river and sky,
Remnants of lost times gone-by. Friendships
Blossom and die in a day, beneath summer
Skies that we thought would stay;
Skies unpredictable and impressive
Skies billowing, willowing, dramas of cloud and rain.
The horizon piles grey cloud presaging rain,
The sudden gleam of sun streaming through,
As we walk together into an uncertain future:
Silver flash, patch of heavy rain cloud, a shadow,
Passes over us, eases us into an evening sunset
Of deep reds and golds which light up the whole valley;
And a dark remnant of those blue-remembered hills.
John Marks
Fri 8th Mar 2019 19:48
Thanks Tom and Kevin. When I was young and knew nothing I was a scourge of sentimentality and nostalgia. Not now. I know better."Nostalgia can be more painful than a surgeon's knife." John