I am firewood
My crutch is my downfall
and still I let it bear me.
Leaning, like a decrepit shed,
on volatile foundations.
Wavering dangerously
in even the slightest breeze.
Regaining temporary balance
at the last moment.
Only to fall.
Stacked indifferently,
a November woodpile,
decorated with dandelions and buttercups.
Ready to burn.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 18th Feb 2010 16:05
Kathy, you know I do admire your work.
I'm a bit confused with the last verse which sounds good, but seems out of kilter with the seasons used to make your poetic point. If it is stacked in November for winter heat, how could it have spring/summer flowers on it? I know 'indifferently ...woodpile...decorated...and dandelions' is alliteratively handy, but is it sensible. If I'm whistling in the wind, blow me over.