The Apprenticeship
In my youth it was like a long street I lived on,
From Hendon Central to Leeds 6,
Friends lived at both ends
With others and some acquaintances
At various points in between.
A red and white snake, or mottled grey.
A rucksack and a thumb.
So when that nice lady from Google Maps
Guided me back up the M1 recently,
How ridiculously familiar!
Even after almost fifty years.
And the spirit of an age floated back up,
From the side of that early flyover, hardly faded,
Not sprayed over by some self-referential aerosol arsehole,
Not sponsored by Birds Eye,
But simply as ever,
And John and Yoko too rose before me again,
Lounging in their bed as the World's press
Aimed its lens of scorn at them.
Yet Nirvana is extinction.
You can write your name in the stars, if you really need to.
An ancient approach to that desperate modern scam
Of hinting at immortality, that faint unfulfillable promise!
Not for me, thanks. Can't buy it, and don't want it.
David Whyte's dictum is good for me.
Delivered, as always, in his gentle evocative way,
That repetitive revelation of layers of meaning:
Apprentice yourself to your own disappearance
Apprentice yourself to your own
Apprentice yourself to your
Apprentice yourself to
Apprentice yourself
Apprentice your
fitzroy herbert
Sat 6th Apr 2019 07:26
It is the original graffiti artist who deserves the praise! And if I have introduced you to the work of David Whyte then the poem's job is done!