Manhattan Morning
Manhattan Morning
the cat was sick
I cared for it
which made me late
to catch the bus
which got caught up
in traffic jams
so I got off
to walk the last few blocks
which made me sweat
under the blue sky
my brow was wet
with perspiration
out of breath
I stepped inside
a coffee shop
and bought a cup
of Espresso
and spilt the lot
because I picked it up
with sweaty hands
the coffee soaked
into my bag
into which
I’d placed the laptop
which meant
I didn’t see the text
that you had sent
my darling friend
to tell me
that someone had flown
a plane into
the place we work
and where was I?
and in the distance
I hear the roar
and suddenly
the world turns grey
as dust and debris
churns across Manhattan
and all the ifs
and woulds and coulds
are enveloped
in the sound of sirens
and my first thought
as I see
the coffee soaked laptop
is this day
could not get any worse…
Sun 7th Apr 2019 09:42
I love this poem - great rhythm and so powerfully human in its depiction of an ordinary morning on an extraordinary day.