The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Sun, 17 Mar 2019 07:32 pm

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During a recent coffee with a friend we started to discuss our deepest held hopes and dreams. It is well known amongst my friends that I have always wanted to be a writer - yet the fear of failure has always held me back. My dear friend commented that the only requirement of being a writer, is to write! That was so empowering. Since then I have been following her advice and writing for 20 minutes a day. At the moment I am writing mainly poetry - much of it very personal - which I'm not yet brave enough to share. My favourite poets are Kate Tempest, Maya Angelou, Jason Reynolds, Megan Beech, Emily Dickinson, Benjamin Zephaniah ....


Memory of a New York Subway They were lime green Bright, Low-slung and hip-snug Smooth on the bum Flared from the knee A sale purchase from a High Street store. They fit me like haute-couture. “Notice me” they cried. And he did. “Fine pants man ” he said. Loud, To me, “Fine pants man.” Insignificant and unremarkable deemed individual, desirable Provincial, safe, overlooked now noticed. My sartorial compliment. Throw-away words from an urban stranger still remembered. “Fine pants man” he said Loud, To me, “Fine pants man” My age-changed shape Would overflow that low slung waist. Those seams could not contain these child-worn hips. Yet now I search each dust-topped case for that beloved pair, that made the stranger down the years proclaim “Fine pants man” Loud, To me, “Fine pants man”

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Josie

Office Politics (13/04/2019)

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Martin Peacock

Sat 8th Jun 2019 14:55

This is a good poem, Josie. There's a maturity to it which belies your tyro status. Nicely.

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Thu 11th Apr 2019 19:11

I like your sample poem Josie

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 7th Apr 2019 23:36

thanks for your kind comments on 'Manhattan Morning' Josie - I'm really pleased that you liked it


Fri 22nd Mar 2019 01:29

you tipped your toe
in the water
now dive in with both feet
the water is as deep
as you want to make it
write on!

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Martin Elder

Tue 19th Mar 2019 15:14

Hey Josie
you have tipped your toe in the water. keep going, as has been said you have posted a couple of fine poems. I look forward to reading more.

Frances Macaulay Forde

Tue 19th Mar 2019 02:58

I agree with Jason, Josie.
I have enjoyed both of your poems... I am very sure there are many more worthy words to read, so please share.
And keep writing!

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Jason Bayliss

Sun 3rd Feb 2019 12:36

Morning Josie,

Much like you, I've written all my life but only poetry. I've never shared before because I didn't want to or just didn't know how, but trust me, be confident, write, share, no-one will judge and if they do, balls to them. It feels good to finally put stuff out there just so it's heard and for me, if it's good that's great and if it's not that's fine too.

Your friends have it right. Write, share, be bold and enjoy it, (also check out Lisa Donohoe, lovely honest and heartfelt).

By the way, absolutely love your sample, genuinely!?


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