I want to be a writer
I want my words to have worth like William.
With magical adjectives that travel through time
To conjure a landscape
And portray a peace
So perfectly
They reach across centuries.
I want my words to empower like Maya.
With certainty and strength to inflate the hearts
And sway the hips of a million women.
I want to reach her passion, wear her confidence,
Dare to share
Her phenomenon.
I want my words to dance like Megan.
With rhythm and pace that catch the mood.
Authentic and articulate.
I want to share her eloquent urgency,
And use compassionate wit
To challenge,
I want the cunning of cummings
Whose playful poems create pictures
Irreverent with grammar and propriety.
Effortlessly entertaining,
Yet so perceptive and sensitive
They reveal our hidden yearning.
I want Emily’s honesty.
To be brave enough to voice
The most private
With words sharp enough
To penetrate the protected places.
Applying balm to the bruised.
I want to
Use words as dressings
To soothe, protect and bind.
To show that despite our necessary bravado,
We are alike
We belong
We are noticed and understood.
Don Matthews
Tue 19th Mar 2019 02:19
This is so good