Best Before End
This month's poem was chosen by Mab Jones, last months winner.
Mab says that picking a winner "...was really bloody hard!" She eventually settled on Winston's poem as it is "poignant-yet-rhyming, a hard combo, I think!".
Find out more about Winston and his work at
Best Before End
The family assortment that soften.
The rubbery remnants of vedge.
The only Satsuma that’s rotten.
The sandwich that curls at the edge.
The strawberry punnet that’s mouldy.
The granary bread that’s gone green.
The grape in the bag that’s all lonely.
The cracked egg in the box unseen.
The cracker that’s packaged in pieces.
The apple that’s bad to the core.
The aubergine with purple creases.
The things that were better before.