The merry, merry month of May
green in all its shades then:
the burgeoning of blue:
grape hyacinth, cornflowers, forget-me-nots
sky-blue, grey, white, black, swirling
chiaroscuro, dappled sun and new leaf,
echoing Turner's kippered skies flying by
towards the green heart of one more summer:
brass bands, paddling pools, London's lidos
the simple outdoor
decencies of human nature
when amongst hills, weeds, lakes, nests, trees.gardens, parks
we hear birds sing as if an end had arrived - out of the blue -
to the fickle-precious ordinariness of love
this is the fullness of summer held in suspension
moving through the limited number of high seasons
we are born to know.
John Marks
Sun 12th May 2019 12:35
Dylan Thomas put it better than I ever could: “The Force That through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower”. That is what speaks to me at this time of year.The music by Iron and Wine is beautiful too: “When the time of our lives is all we have.” Thank you Jennifer and Keith for reading and commenting. John