I’ve been reading a lot about this lately. It seems today’s youngsters are beset from every corner with trauma. Not the small stuff our forebears experienced, blitzkrieg, the Great Depression, the trenches et al but far more damaging daemons.
But let a sufferer tell you first hand.
Rhian, aged 28, (a little old to be a millennial I felt) explained that she couldn’t remember the last time she relaxed, she said. She was always thinking about what to do next. “I feel guilty because I know I could be cleaning my flat or at the gym or buying a birthday present for my boyfriend’s mum”.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “SO FUCKING DO IT!” I hear you scream.
She has endless lists to do which, she says, she never completes; lists of appointments to make… but there is never enough time. She is endlessly stressed.
And certainly you couldn’t find any of the Rohingya formerly of Myanmar or the Yazidis of Iraq who would want to swop places with any poor sufferant in today’s society who can’t access 4G
“But wait!” I hear myself thinking, “Is this First World suffering simply confined to “yoof”? What about me? Surely, being denied the basic human right to use my Old Aged Pensioner’s Bus Pass before 9.30am constitutes a PTSD?”
Once upon a time, the British mantra was “Mustn’t grumble”.
I miss it.
John Coopey
Sat 18th May 2019 22:22
Thanks, MC.
I don't know whom I blame to be honest. But it does seem to me that there has been a trading in of personal responsibility for -isms and syndromes and disorders of various types.