The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Few Lines Conceived In Poor Mimickry (A Mere Matter Of Minutes After Concluding A Biography Concerning That Conceited, If Colourful Cove, Coleridge)

I, too have watched a myriad words die,

all for want of you, fearless audience -

your special someone with that kindly eye

and ear who could best, sans wilful offence


urge me to test myself, by composing

a thousand lines and honing them to one.

Your wisdom, without combative ego's

ingrown need to sound 'clever' (not far gone


in self-esteem, I mean) might serve advice

as I'd then bounce it back, and guide you too,

imagining you in life's same service,

(I.e. writing poems, seeing them through


to their meaningful, truest conclusions.)

Aye, perchance somewhere you too pine, remiss

for want of one kind friend whose intrusions

all-the-same seldom grate; who, with the kiss


of life can make your poems come alive

(yours mine ditto,) searching out like a light

which through the darkness sees clear vision thrive,

lift that lends each others' creations flight.


I dream one star should 'pon its other shine,

though from galaxies far, thence truth bespeak -

your bright, binary twin to orbit mine

in tandem - two minds forged as one, unique!



◄ My Mea Culpa To The Future

If Poems Were Paintings (A Scabrous Fantasy, Written After Watching J. Koons at Work On BBC4) ►


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Martin Peacock

Tue 28th May 2019 05:49

Thank you, Jason and afishamongmany, for your kind comments. In re: your note, afishamongmany, that comment 'sans offence' is tricky - I changed the line at the last minute, substituting 'causing' for 'wanton' because 'causing' scanned better; but 'wanton' explained the 'offence' better, so I'll change it back. It might help to explain away that particular problem. It's wilful offence I'd hope to avoid - the unintended kind is unavoidable, alas.

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Mon 27th May 2019 15:52

Hello Ritchie - Well written and heart felt. But could such a wish ever be realised? To criticise -and- to be criticise 'sans offence'; there's the stumbling block.
Go well

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Jason Bayliss

Sun 26th May 2019 12:10

This is a real pleasure to speak, there's something about iambic that really pops out of the page for me.


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