Leave Or Remain, It's All The Same
How sadly it's come to this:
the apotheosis
of our egos' mad desires.
Now all this nightmare requires
of us to finalise
matters is to analyse
our crude methodology
and, sans apology
give the Earth one last, good kick -
yes, that ought to do the trick -
then drink to its poor health.
We've raped it of all its wealth,
we've torn it and tortured it
and left behind us shit
and unremitting misery.
Aren't we just derisory?
We ought to burn in shame
(hell, there's no-one else to blame!)
Martin Peacock
Fri 7th Jun 2019 22:49
That just about sums it up, Don,
you've said in rhyme what I'm thinking;
the world's fucked, for what's not sinking
is burning, and will soon be gone
to hell in a tumbril, or worse.
If you have kids, apologise -
tell them what we did wasn't wise,
or generous, tell them the curse
of their short lives was our damned fault.
Tell them 'sorry' isn't enough,
that their survival will be tough,
that it's too late all this to halt.