The Whole Hog
If you're only prepared to meet the bastards halfway
how can you ever say you've won?
You haven't even drawn.
You've only called halftime,
after which they'll have moved the goalposts
(again!), dug deep pits across the pitch
and fudged the rules of the game.
They'll have planted a spy on your team too.
No, if you want to stand any chance of winning
you'll have to plan well, then drop the bastards
as soon and as hard as you can; you'll have to
hound and harry them, strip them of their weapons
and kill those collaborators on your own team.
Then you must repurpose the pitch
as a park, burn the goalposts
and hang the referee (he'll be in their pay too.)
Then start a new game,
from scratch, with just the one team
and decide on the rules between you all.
And last but not least, forget you'd ever
played the game any other way.