whisky drinking world
Whisky drinking world
Observing a life turned backward
as he stares through
his curved full bottle of cheap whisky
hugging an empty glass
with anticipation in the eyes
at the thought of reverting
his view to the world
back to that which comforts him.
Glass full,
glass empty,
repetitively lifting hand to mouth,
drowning his body of tremors
in an internal bath of elixir,
there’s comfort in the burning of the throat
and a warming of the soul,
hazy distorted views soon hide life’s impurities.
Each flow of liquid down the gullet
distils the mind to a clearer
more elated memory of existence,
masking a troubled past
and providing a face of carnival celebration,
dancing of the hearts pulse begins,
thud, thud, thudding in a rhythm,
coordinating his out of time movements.
The bottle now dry and glass empty,
he stares back through this new translucence,
the visions now seen
were all he wished to recall,
haunting ghosts faded to alternate realities,
feeling refreshed in this bottle of safety;
this ship floating within a shimmery shell sensation.
chris dommett
Sat 6th Mar 2010 11:06
im glad you liked the poem and that both of you could relate to is message. rev two-sheds thanks for the possitive feed back on the line you liked. ill be posting more up soon so keep your eyes peeled and i hope you enjoy them just as much if not more. cheers.