(Hey ho. One man's poison's another man's meat)
My money wasn’t made through skill,
My bank of knowledge almost Nil
But, rather, I would wait until
The time was ripe, I’d guess,
To make my brass through stress.
On my network I might learn
Some manager in some such firm
Had chucked a sickie while infirm
And under some duress
Had gone off sick with stress.
And that was where Old Coops steps in
With little talent but thick skin;
White shirt and tie and cheery grin
And pin-stripe to impress
To tidy up their mess.
A desperate client is solid gold
They’d pay you just what they were told,
Their corporate balls within your hold,
You needn’t even press
When covering staff’s stress.
“Oh, this’ll cost a bob or two”
I’ve said those words to quite a few;
But still they formed a life-long queue
To pay me, I confess,
To plug gaps caused by stress.
“Five hundred quid a day’s my bill
(I didn’t want to overkill)
And kept this up for years until
I quit while on the crest –
And time to take my rest.
So all you managers out there
Who wring your hands and pull your hair
Who find the job too hard to bear
Who cannot cope with stress
And quit under duress
Think about your Interim;
It isn’t you but rather him
Who’s sipping tonic with a gin
In Rhodes or Marrakesh
Who’s cashed in on your stress.
John Coopey
Sun 23rd Jun 2019 21:22
Many thanks for your comments, Lisa, Don and MC.