Should We Legalise Prostitution?
Should We Legalise Prostitution?
They're trying to legalise prostitution
Politicians, (as usual), lead the way
Not listening to experience elsewhere
Not wanting to see light of day
You ask, politicians? What's new Don?
I counter, they're top of their game
Educated and all for the people
Looking after us, not out for fame
In New Zealand, the city of Christchurch
Legalised it two thousand and one
But the concept has not worked out well there
Sex working's safe only for some
The pimps and the prostitutes they pick up
Baseball bats, take to the street
To fight for best positions to take up
On street with their clients to meet
The residents they're not very happy
As in their front gardens they find
Condoms and faeces next morning
If I lived there I'd also mind
So should we legalise prostitution?
Protect our sex workers under law?
Or will it just give us more problems?
Be good? Or just carry more flaws?
What happens in UK, your America?
I'm isolated 10,000 miles away
But am curious to know what goes on there
And to what your politicians do say
Don Matthews June 2019
Don Matthews
Fri 12th Jul 2019 00:49
I'll make my excuses and leave
This poem behind in my bank
For another day maybe to think on
At moment I'm drawing a blank.....