Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo brilliant light
came into a Tuscan night
insults rarely your way hurled
though born in to a bastard world.
Countryreared as little child
observing birdwings soaring wild
pitying young of sheep and goats
brutally butchered by cutting throats
eating meat did cause you gloom
'of other lives we become the tomb'
seeing caged birds snatched from tree
bought them all to set them free.
Enjoyed renown among the uplifted
kind and generous, handsome and gifted
comely with flowing hair and beard
bright coloured clothes some saw as weird
arbiter of elegance in palace masques
inventing but not concluding tasks
denounced by one so jealous of fame
for that love which dare not say its name.
The pretty lad whose chestnut curls
enchained your heart in auburn twirls
your 'little devil, glutton and thief'
but he on whom you gazed so lief.
Salai stirred such great love in thee
that Monna Lisa was his fee.
Francesco pupil till death was true
who at your end received his due
The king of France desired your head
which at Amboise found its earthly bed.
Leonardo brilliant light
ever with greatness in your sight
your many talents to be unfurled
though born in to a bastard world
jennifer Malden
Sun 28th Jul 2019 19:37
Thanks Adam and John for the likes. LDV was an incredible person. Being illegitimate, he couldn't become a lawyer or a doctor, but he was able to turn his hand brilliantly to almost anything. He was also probably a vegetarian. Setting the birds free is on record. Lorenzo dei Medici realised how immensely talented he was and became his first patron. Apparently he was possessed by an immense curiousity about so many fields, that he used to start working on projects, but than get distracted by other things. You probably know all this anyway!
Thanks also Tom and Jon for the likes.