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Maybe the truth is I was never really meant to be happy.
Not in the sincerest form of the word anyway.
I'm content and I do have my happy moments.
But sincerely and truly happy?
I don't think that word was invented with me in mind. 



◄ Always.

Autophobia. ►


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Don Matthews

Sat 10th Aug 2019 00:29

One can be quite sad
An un-happy sort of state
But still feel quite contented
(Content, at any rate...)

I'm not sure this is right or not. But it makes a 'happy'(?) little rhyme....

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 9th Aug 2019 20:17

Honest thoughts,well expressed. 'Happiness' is basically a pipe dream. Don't worry about it. Attitude is everything, from one small step to the next, in all arenas. You are thinking, and expressinig yourself, and that alone must be a source of genuine 'happiness'. It is always your own, personal definition.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 9th Aug 2019 14:35

There is a phrase that's heaven sent,
And that, my friend, is "be content"!

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keith jeffries

Fri 9th Aug 2019 13:20


Thank you for this honest declaration in the form of a poem. There are many for whom this poem will resonate, myself included. How many people can say that they have experienced true and abiding love or happiness which was truly exhilerating. Are these conclusions reached by comparing ourselves with others or are we being wholly subjective?

A good poem
Thank you for this

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