Life is understood backwards
but has to be lived forwards
Søren Kierkegaard
When he looks back on his life
he will see that the best of it
was a journey he took from A to B
on a wire between two buildings –
his every breath a distillation
of what it meant to keep your nerve
and hold steady, each muscle
braced and quivering like the wire itself
which, at a distance, was no more
than a filament, but close up
was a hawser along which he took
illicit steps, knowing his future
weighed upon them and all things
were simple, once the choice was made,
however the pole teetered
or the air roared wildly
above a world of chairs
and carpets, dates and deliveries,
or the cops who stared amazed
at a man walking across the sky
whom later they cuffed
and cautioned apologetically
before asking him politely his name
and a few relevant details.
Sat 10th Aug 2019 23:15
Perfect description of a hair raising moment or rather continuous moment in time, galvanising us into an unfeasible witness role David.
Welcome to the D & W fold !