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Eye Peace

Eye Peace

we hold hands, mama and me, climb the steps to Lester Weintraub,

he tests me with the chart, changes lenses in the two-eyed machine.
blinds me with his pen light gizmo.


we go back the next night, and he adjusts my new glasses.
i look out the window for the first time and see the river, Brooklyn,
my reflection in a glass pane.

HOW DO YOU SEE    mama says.
great    i say.
GOOD    she says.

outside street lights appear above my head for the first time.
i see the girl across the street smiling. i see my room 13 floors up,
the light still on. i see the moon. i see the stars.

WHY ARE YOU CRYING    mama says.
you are so beautiful    I say.


◄ We will outlive them.

Superstition ►


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Don Matthews

Tue 15th Oct 2019 23:13

I got towards the end and thought I've read this before, so I must have left a comment. Why hadn't I? I don't know. Remiss of me.

Well done Fred. I didn't know what was coming. The last two lines are heart-touching an MC's comment I like.....

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Fred Nicholson

Tue 15th Oct 2019 22:55

I thank you Do.RoThy and M.C. Newberry for reflecting on Eye Peace.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 14th Aug 2019 00:16

A vivid vignette of how the view of the world allowed by improved
sight can be such a life-changing event.

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