Good Night Moon...not that book.
Have you ever noticed
how the moon punctuates the sky
brings attention to nuanced expression
of cloud and star and changing light?
Full moon declarative of periods of definitives
Of war of love of crying coyotes and coppertopped men
Of midnight beaches caressed by silver tip waves
Lit forest trails leading to open glades
Where deer dance while
fairies bang on their ceiling of earth
To quiet the din above
Gibbous following
Darkly parenthetical
Insecure unspoken
Some thoughts hidden
from even the tip of the tongue
Or the back of the mind
The smile of the finely dressed that does not reach their eyes
The quiet gossiped whisper of steamy coffee house lies
Shadows on pearls at fundraising galas where
Rich wizards seek sex, while wiccans spell from the Kaballah
Prescient crescent
Full bowl or hat in hand
Foretelling darkness or light
Fortunes made or fortunes gone
New tastes, sweet or rankling
Radiant, tumescent spring or monotonous chill of interminable grey fog
The wax or the wane can sure make one insane ...(as can the rain)
Finally unpunctuated by silver slivers of reflected light
the new moon night of
clangdashery smokedhashery
dockskippery tooslippery
marshmucked courageplucked
ribald and reminiscent of dark dreams
unregrettable and unforgettable acts
unfold and untangle themselves
to be unspoken before the
ferry’s horn
heralds the dawn of the next
Good Morning
Adam Rabinowitz
Fri 16th Aug 2019 19:59
Thanks Cynthia, Devon, Lisa and Thi for reading.
Cynthia please don't "serious" read this piece. It was meant as moon mischief and worthy of only a rapid read. However, I do hope that you might read a few more of my pieces....they vary a lot in style as I have only recently began this poetry journey.