The Choice
Death, dying, passing, departure, dissolution
The fear of the end, but why
For some the end is the only answer
For some the darkness is the light
For some it is the saving grace from the hell of the light
This world can be so cruel, so cold, so unfair
For some the only answer is a bottle, a pill, a blade
Those are the people we push away, we judge, when they may not have found their light had we just takeen one moment
Those taking their own life are not the selfish ones, it's you
It's you for walking past
It's you for not taking one second to ask, "Are you okay?"
It's your fault we had no other options
Death is every emotion
It is hatred towards a God who saved your life just months before
It is hatred and anger towards the man who chose a drink over watching his little girl grow up
It is denial that he is actually gone, that the voicemails are over, that your light is gone
It is depression of the little girl cryin in her car to work each day wonddering how to even go on
It is bargaining whether she should join him again no matter what that meant for everyone else
It is the struggle and guilt of being happy again without him
It is appreciating life a little more
It is something that will forever change his little girl
It is the fist through a wall and a wine bottle busted on the door
It is the miscarriage of his granddchild from the stress, the emotion, and having to choose one life over the other
Who do oyou choose, mother or child
It is the smell of the fog on the mountains
Death is many things so what then is life
Life can be the dark past, the nightmares, pain, the everything
Life can also be the smile he puts on her face as he calls her beautiful
It can be the cup of coffee in the morning or wine at night
It can be the paint on a canvas, the laugh of a baby
Living is a choice
How you live your life is up to you, but it is okay to choose you
It is okay to choose life and love and happiness even if you're still sitting in the darkness
keith jeffries
Sat 17th Aug 2019 19:51
A wealth of emotions with a philosophical ring to them all. The last three lines speak to me as I have reached the age of 70 years. Words of wisdom which will stand the test of time
Thank you for this