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October Road

                                                            October Road

The morning highway crisps

Through the late fall fields,

Rich red flickering boldly

At the edge of the rimy woods.

Dappled cows, flanks close

And steamy, breathily pull hay

From the leaning ricks stacked

High in a frosted field.

Bundled on a rocky hillside

Fat sheep tuck their feet

Under grey woollen vests

And stare at each other.

As the wan sun glides chill

Over the quarry pool the deep

Black water shrugs the thinning

Fog off its splintered shoulders.

Legion along the brittle ditches

Twisted milkweed stalks spit

Their silken froth from cracked

October throats.

Behind arthritic fences huge horses

Patiently crop their hoary pasture and

A gangly colt sprints madly across the

Grizzled meadow, brilliantly excited.

Suddenly, a pick-up whizzes by my car,

The driver peering at me quizzically.

Another horn honks impatiently.  I realize

I have been creeping along, mesmerized.

Cynthia Buell Thomas

◄ The Argument

To plumb the depth of soul ( a villanelle) ►


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Dave Bradley

Mon 22nd Mar 2010 17:33

It's extraordinary how hypnotic Nature can be sometimes. You've captured that feeling very very well Cynthia

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 18th Mar 2010 18:03

Hi Cynthia, I'm glad my foal has another life! Good poem, gentle and dreamy mood rounded off with that last verse. xx

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Julian (Admin)

Thu 18th Mar 2010 14:30

Agree, Greg. As if sleep is overcoming you, Cynthia: zzzzz
I love the imagery of the steamy-flanked cows pulling hay from the ricks.
It reminds me of Autumn in Normandy.

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Greg Freeman

Thu 18th Mar 2010 13:17

Like this rich natural description, Cynthia, and all the zzzes in the last stanza. Reminds me of Robert Frost. Greg

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 18th Mar 2010 12:19

Ann, your Foal reminded me of this in my folder. I might not have blogged it otherwise. Thanks.
This poem is an indulgence of pure imagery from real visuals, a work that took me years until I was satisfied that I had done some justice to the soul-filling beauty of that morning.

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