An Annoying Riddle
My first is in teapot but not in kettle
My second is in iron but not in metal
My third is in win but not in lose
My fourth is in sport but not in news
My fifth is in rhythm but not in tune
My sixth is in April but not in June
My seventh is in single but not in double
My eighth is in danger but not in trouble,
What am I?
Don Matthews
Mon 26th Aug 2019 02:34
A jumbo airplane ?
Don - You've hit the jackpot! You're correct. Lisa you're runner up.
??? Well blow me down. Wot's a jumbo got to do with a teapot? Or a baseball match for that matter?. Being silly does apparently bring it's prizes Lisa. Go one further and be stoopid can bring you glory. Apparently. Think my stoopidity could bring me POTW? Entry question Don. What's a teapot, lose, April, May and June got in common? (think think mumble mumble) A jumbo airplane ? Yes Don! However did you guess (Yay!)
I'm so stoopid
Yay yay yay
Poem of the week
So they say
I won't pain you with a second verse....?
Kate, Devon, Jason, Fish, Ruth - How come you didn't see jumbo airplane? Staring you in the face. Then of course us Aussies are stoopid. We excel at stoopid riddles. Kate you surprise me......