Jeepers Creepers - bless my peepers!
We're now a land of wimpy weepers...
Full of me-me and self-pity,
Everywhere you hear their ditty.
On song but often out of tune
It's painful when you hear them croon
Full of worry and concern:
Life's not fair, what about my turn?
I'm worth as much as anyone
So why do others have more fun
And cash to buy stuff I've not got...
Why should they have what I have not?
Life offers health and wealth and fame -
And if I miss out, someone's to blame!
Don Matthews
Wed 4th Sep 2019 22:48
Yes, you there, it's your fault
There's nothing wrong with me
My foot was out you stepped on it
How clumsy can you be
Wot? my foot should not be out?
My foot is part of me
Therefore it can do what it likes
So bugger off ......?