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Where’s me head? [Where is my head?]

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Where’s me head? [Where is my head?]


Where’s me head? … It’s in the sand

Its life has gotten out of hand

Things very rarely go as planned

If I do or I don’t, I end up damned


Where’s me head? … It’s way out west

It’s tired of people who know best

It needs a break, it needs a rest

It needs to get shit off its chest


Where’s me head? … It’s lost the plot

It’s seldom happy with it’s lot

Life was simpler with diddly squat

Now it needs more gold to fill its pot


Where’s me head? … It’s up me arse

Its fickle life’s a fucking farce

It’s getting pickled in whisky bars

With flying elephants and spinning stars


Where’s me head? … it’s off the planet

It’s guzzling grog like a greedy gannet

It’s popping pills to still the panic

It’s sinking fast like the Titanic


Where’s me head? … It’s round the bend

Its arse and elbow are fallen friends

Which makes it hard to comprehend

The garbled messages that they send


Where’s me head? ... It’s in me hands

It isn’t feeling all that grand

It's lost control, it’s lost command

It’s taken all that it can stand

Where’s me head? … It’s down the dumps

It’s got the humps, it’s got the grumps

Its heart still beats, and its blood still pumps

But the head thinks it’s time to pull up stumps


Where’s me head? … it’s miles away

And when you ask, R U OK?

It lies away and smiles away

With the all the sincerity it can convey





depressionmental healthmental health issuesru ok?suicide prevention

◄ The folly of lust

Killing Time Ain't no Crime ►


Lynn Hamilton

Thu 12th Sep 2019 07:28

Wheres my comment gone? Deleted profile x

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Don Matthews

Thu 12th Sep 2019 05:29

You often can't tell who people are writing about.

I have a mental condition and am always saying talk about it. Raising awareness and education is the way forward.

I'm OK here too. Maybe a little 'off key' but hey? I'm happy. Which is why I post a lot of humour. Gotta have this to stay afloat hey?

R I OK? Yep....onna roll

Heaven help us.....?

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John McDonough

Thu 12th Sep 2019 05:13

All good here Don, ? Thank you for asking, and thank you for your commentary. I write from personal experience, been, done and T-shirt. The poem was written to raise awareness not as a cry for help.

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Don Matthews

Thu 12th Sep 2019 04:37

By the links you included at the bottom I detect this could be about your own personal situation John. I could be wrong.

I like the way you have told the story. You pull no punches. I like the rhyme technique.

Robin Williams put on a fake smile to say hey I'm fine. No-one knew he was aching inside. Suicide was his way out.

Stephen Fry on QI would smile at the camera while inside say 'I want to die'

Mental illness needs bringing out into the open for discussion and education. You have done well to include the links John.


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