The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.


I've been writing poetry for many years now but have only recently began to share on social media. My style is urban/performance poetry. I subtitle my spoken word recordings for the benefit of the hard of hearing and those that struggle with English dialect, mine is Mancunian. My formative years were spent growing up on a council estate in North Manchester. There were roughly 39 kids on my street who were forced to play out with one another by their Mams and Dads need for peace, quiet and sanity. My generation predated the age of digital distraction and t'internet, relying on balls, bats, rope and imagination to keep boredom at bay. I fallen in love, suffered heartbreak and loss, been happy and high, been sad and low. Hope you enjoy my observations, ramblings and ryhmes


The Noise of War We were soldiers once.......and young Call of duty was different them days Earth clod grenades and sticks for guns No gaming machines or blue rays Battle lines were drawn in the street We flew wear eagles dare No surrender, no retreat And the noise of war filled the air "Brrrrrrrrrrrraaa" the machine gun staccato of Mickey Tiatto "Peeeeow" Slacky's ricochet rang "Doof doof" was the laser of wee Tommy Fraser Twitch's shotgun simply went "Bang!" Hand eye precision, life death decisions. Dying was an art form and nothing less, than three pirouettes, would fail to impress and be met with sarcastic derision I remember one day a thrown hand grenade Got a right accolade Such was the carnage and devastation We stopped and gave the dead a standing ovation But there was always one who refused to die. Would stand and tell the bare faced lie. Wouldn’t fall down, would argue and contest. When it was clear to all and sundry they were shot squarely in the chest. and that's when the real fights would break out _________________________________________ Link to YouTube recording

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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