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Songs From The Womb

Through my life I’ve collected voices
maybe twice a decade a new singer comes to me
and I can’t let it pass by
without holding tight

Through the years certain songs seem magnetic, somehow
whole albums written in a style I know too well
for it to be coincidence
and I have to hold it close

When Joni sings of ‘skating away’
something jumped out of the speakers
and Leonard says a ‘highway curls up like smoke’
those lines leap out of my headphones

Georgie’s story and the way Rod tells it
grabs me by the lapels
Don’s road trip to the levy
those lines are etched beneath my skin

My mother, my mother played these songs to me
before I even took a breath
my mother, my mother played me these songs
before I ever took a breath

Songs from the womb
songs from before
come back and find me again..


hatchingJoni Mitchellleonard Cohenmusicsongs

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Frances Macaulay Forde

Wed 18th Sep 2019 04:33

I feel the same way... although I didn't hear them in the womb.

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Wed 18th Sep 2019 01:42

Love this Tom. Music has always spoke to me too. From the womb, finding you. Such a beautiful visual. Thank you for sharing.

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