(From "Pieces of Me")
You can be anything you want, they said
Throwing falsehoods at her
Freedoms of youth
With a path yet unlived
Not even written yet
But when she tried to follow her dreams
They said slow down
Time is on your side
And knowledge only comes with age
You’ll learn
And she did learn
That time is against us all
Slowing down when inspiration
Is fighting to move us forward
Can only stilt our dreams
She discovered the way people file you away
In boxes, attaching labels
Insisting you can only be this or that
Pick one, you can’t do everything
But why not?
We are all more than one thing
Why limit ourselves?
If the inspiration takes hold
And leads to expanding who you are
Why fight it and force yourself into a pigeon hole?
You are not a pigeon
Fri 20th Sep 2019 21:33
Eminently sensible and a good lesson in life as we move through the voices we hear. Says something about the paths we might take.