the internet
for some reason
I keep going back to this typewriter
hoping it will be inspired
enough to write something about me
I check it daily sometimes hourly
I try to sneak up on it
waiting for some sort of
big surprise
it’s happened before
I can’t remember when
but it did happen
so I keep checking on it
like checking for new beatles
in england
Don Matthews
Thu 26th Sep 2019 15:48
Is there such a thing as a typewriter muse MC ? It seems to be speaking to me lately. Thalia doesn't seem to mind.
I am that little typewriter
You bought for forty pounds
My insides are impeccable
My ribbon reels go round
How'mI doing MC?
I stand 'longside computer
A so-called 'foolproof' thing
I wait for it to bugger up
That's my bell MC ?