Take my hand, I broke it forging chains that bind me,
Take my head, I broke it on the Jagged rocks,
Take my eyes, I broke them on the lights that blind me,
Take my ears, broken by the ticking clocks,
Take my back, broken by this heavy burden,
Take my legs, broken by the road,
Take my ribs, broken by the lungs beneath them,
Take my shoulders, broken by the load,
Take my heart, broken by the tears of ages,
Take my soul, broken by temptation,
Take my peace, broken by a thousand rages,
Take my mind, broken by frustration,
Take my will, broken by the rust of decades,
Take my strength, broken by it's toil,
Take my word, broken by the promises made
Take my love, one thing left unspoiled.
Jason Bayliss
Tue 1st Oct 2019 17:09
Thanks Kevin, I do think it sounds better the way Graham was saying, but I also believe that you catch the thought as it's thrown, so to speak. Thanks though mate, much appreciated.
J. x