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the myth of rehabilitation (10/11/2019)

it is with a morose gratitude 
that I am to dispense justice 
like a drug
at the hurlish demands 
of screeching bicuspids 
unaware of the lurch :
the shuffle of their own cloven hooves 
at the trough of the damned 

"to death," 
you declare
eager to eat the softened bones 
of your own impunity 
"To life"
a toast raised as a scythe falls 
and another trauma is passed
like blood thru the gates 
sliding on their davit points
shifting, labyrinthian
to guise the same exit 
taken by all 

yes, to the death 
that conscience be cleansed 
doused with lampshades 
quenched in the oils of backroom brows
percolating at the question 
"Of whence cometh evil?" 
yes, to death 
rung on high, heads piked
like banners 
to ease the tapestry of decidedly lesser sins 
or at least 
of quieter ones. 
yes, to death 
whose pale horse is stabled so readily and easily 
with great expense 
in the demolished foundations 
of where people once loved, and lived
their echos hung in portraits of police reports
slain in the tumble : the short fall off the wagon 

kill em all.


Kill em all empathy

◄ kim chi 840 (08/25/2019)

bent stalks I (11/16/2019) ►


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M.C. Newberry

Tue 15th Oct 2019 15:54

A thought: perhaps it is too important a subject not to take literally.
Even more so in an age when the search for reasons (excuses?)
for so many abuses of basic common consideration occur and the
tendency to say "It's only because...(fill in the gaps)" has become
so frequent as part of society's general shrinking from the reality of
beastly (apologies to our dumb friends) behaviour in the ranks of
"intelligent" humanity. Real remorse doesn't require a catalogue
of lawbreaking to see it happen.

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John Bastard

Tue 15th Oct 2019 00:13


Thank you again for reading me

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John Bastard

Tue 15th Oct 2019 00:13

MC Newberry -- thank you for not taking this literally.

Too often , I think, people tend to jerk their knees and want punishment -- they want blood instead of investigation into why individuals do the things they do. How are we going to grow as a society and stop the trauma -> victimization cycle if we just hang and clang everyone ? How can we stop it if we don't understand the cause?

It's not perfect and or never will be, but there's more effective and less effective when it comes to cost, reoffense ratios, and treatability to certain types of crime.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 14th Oct 2019 15:41

Good subject - worthy of poetic enterprise!
A recently departed Minister for Prisons (Tory) was big on
keeping people out of prison in the name of rehabilitation - but
the impression was that saving money was a more likely imperative
for his thinking. After all, they even passed a "Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act" years ago that allowed a list of convictions for a range of offences to be deleted after given periods of time.
And nowadays, it seems that there are numerous "sentences"
available to the courts before imprisonment is imposed - surely
the warning light for anyone who really wants to be rehabilitated
before the prison cell door clangs shut.

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 13th Oct 2019 18:56

Powerful writing.


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