a poet's death
let me die a poet’s death,
a what shall my last words be?
kind of a leaving.
to make sure there is no-one at home grieving
as they just ponder on my wise words of departure.
let me drift off just as I’m composing
how I wish to be remembered, as I am reposing
in my best poet’s lacy shirt
with wild neck tie flowing,
so they will not dwell upon my going.
make sure I have the time to choose the font
for that last inscription, it is so important,
so it can be clearly read and all can see and marvel
on what the poet said
in that moment of inspiration.
just before she was dead.
and when I lay my pen down on the slope
although the ink is drying
there is hope
that a few of my words might linger on
for friends and loved ones all to dwell upon.
for then there should be no more mystery
and all will know the poet, that is me.
Ann Foxglove
Fri 2nd Apr 2010 10:25
Actually I wrote this a few weeks ago, just popped into my head. I expect I'll be found slumped over my computer keyboard making my last blogg entry on WOL (as opposed to a blogg exit - sorry bad taste Elvis joke!)xx