There's one glaring all-important difference between Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson as the election
campaign gets under way..
The former is using his Party to protect and preserve Brexit whereas the latter is using Brexit to protect
and preserve his Party.
Those familair with the actions of a previous Tory prime minister who is often to be heard spouting pro-EU
stuff might call it a Major difference...know what I mean John?!
M.C. Newberry
Thu 14th Nov 2019 16:50
Po - know where you're coming from. But I was throwing out some
magazines after posting this - some dating back to the early 1990s
(hoarder - moi?!) - and a number contained items that remind us how
the Tories became so disdainful of the electorate's misgivings over
the EU (I do NOT consider the EU to be "Europe"), with reminders
that John Major was vilified for betraying the electorate by signing
the Maastricht Treaty without a proper mandate, whilst a certain
"Father of the House" - Ken Clarke - was telling students in Cambridge of his ambition to see us signed up to the Euro.
Years ago, I wrote to the latter expressing my own misgivings about what was being done, quoting lines from G.K. Chesterson's poem "The Secret People". The response was a card merely acknowledging my letter. Now, the poet's words are taking form. His
"Unhappy Lords" see their power wane
now that the people understand what has
been done in their name and reject it..
Here's an amusing but rather alarming example of what we were facing:.
The Lord's Prayer has 58 words
The Ten Commandments have 297 words.
The US Declaration of Independence has 310 words.
But the EC directive on the exporting of duck eggs has 28,911 words!