Popping up at Euston: a flashback to Write Out Loud poetry-art collaboration at Stockport
A poetry-art collaboration involving Stockport Write Out Loud member poet Martin Elder and artist Mark Sheeky that was part of an exhibition at Stockport art gallery earlier this year is popping up at Euston station on Tuesday 26 November.
The artwork ‘Silver’ by Mark Sheeky will be displayed alongside the poem that inspired it by Martin Elder in the first-class passenger lounge by Mark on a pop-up stall. Martin’s poem, also titled ‘Silver’, is about a Ronson lighter:
This shingle silver slick gripped
Push button one stop flame
An adjustable gas fuelled spark
Smooth and sharp to the touch
Wavered patterned sides front and back
A blue and green torch
With the vaguest hint of gas
Slipped into a pocket
Amongst keys and change
Yet no wear or scratch
I was the sophisticated man about town
Armed with Ronson and smokes
With my single action lighter than air
Can I give you light?
Flick of a switch
Slips nicely into waistcoat chest high pocket
I feel gently press against my ribs when buttoned up
Even now I am reminded of the Jacques lousier trio
Playing Bach’s air on a G
As I slide out my trusted friend
Pushing the button
And hearing a click
One more smoke for the road
And off I go into the night
But now no flint, no gas
No action to fire against
No more smoking gun haze
Just the timeless reminder
Of what once was
But will never be again
Just another
Twenty something phase
The Ekphrastic Towers exhibition earlier this year at Stockport art gallery was curated by John Keane, organiser of Stockport Write Out Loud, and began with a series of strange objects. Poems were written about these, then artwork was painted or drawn about the poems, then more art and poems inspired by those works.
Mark Sheeky is a contemporary artist, painter, and performer based in Cheshire. He said: “I've had two little art installations in Crewe station (and one piano performance) and those led to this.” His pop-up stall at Euston will include some of his books, and copies of a new collection by poet Deborah Edgeley.
Nigel Astell
Tue 26th Nov 2019 12:06
Into One
A spark of inspiration
a draw of breath
a timeless reminder of intense imagery
taking both artist and poet
into the works of one.