To the Ghost-dancers of the Sioux
Don’t let the fat white males into your land
They have no concept of stewardship
They think they can own the air and the land.
You watched them massacre the holy bison:
The white buffalo are dead
Their bodies rot under the holy sun.
These bastards have no respect for themselves:
They are rapists and child-killers.
They love watching sadistic pornography.
They spoil all the Great Spirit has bequeathed us.
They are a scourge to the world.
No good is captured in their web of life
Evil infects their dreams,
They have never learnt
To just sigh and be still.
M.C. Newberry
Tue 24th Dec 2019 11:17
Ironic that the European interlopers were obsessed with their
religious superiority/faith and treated anyone not of that belief as
disposable ignorant fodder. There are still examples of that
attitude across the world in various guises. But some things have changed for the better along the way.