As Father Time now wipes an eye and takes a long look ahead
Past a moment when half the world celebrates...with the other snug in bed,
Let us take stock and ponder whether we really did the best we could
In the days of the year that now fade away - like dusty bluebells in a wood.
Did we fail when called upon to act or say the things we ought?
Did we shrink from giving.when the most asked was but a thought?
Is this life we've designed and made for ourselves a prison without bars -.
And are we too intent on gazing inwards to look up and see the stars?
Perhaps each new arriving year should have us take a breath and pause
To remind ourselves life is a special performance - in no need of any applause,.
And instead make a promise as far as we are able to extend two hands to another -
Like the Good Samaritan who crossed the street - seeing a soul in need as his brother..
Brian Blanchard
Wed 1st Jan 2020 15:20
Best wishes for 2020 Mark!