Refurbished Poem
Take an old poem
that was stored up in the attic
set it up on a desk and go to work
strip off the old worn out cliches
fill in the holes of missing words
then sand it down
to the bare essentials
put on a good primer
to give it an even base
then finally paint it
with a bright shiny enamel
of imagery and meter
don't leave any bumps
let it sit
let it dry
in a few hours come back and look at it
with a new sense of accomplishment
a rehabilitated poem
has been successfully recycled
and what was destined for the trash bin
is now a worthy poem.
Sat 4th Jan 2020 13:05
Nice one DK. Enjoyed this and reminded me to pop up into the attic and see if there's anything else waiting to be refurbished of my own... ?