I could lie like this forever
in the small cocoon of your little room
a sanctuary where I can let the stresses of the day subside
with the touch of a hot shower to wash away the shadows that linger
under our tired eyes
such tired eyes that still find happiness in your face
but here we are living
despite it all
we are here breathing
letting each exhale heal some sadness that we both have carried for far too long
finally finding the antidote to the poison
he is my cure
my lighthouse on the shore
the weight and the burden I have borne is falling loose
with you
it is like stepping into warm sunlight on a summer afternoon
wet hair dripping down my back
your gaze contents me
and my only wish
is that it could always be
Cait Abbott
Mon 9th Mar 2020 07:46
Thank you Po, your words mean a lot to me