The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Cait Abbott

Updated: Fri, 5 Mar 2021 07:18 pm


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20. Third year Law student. Argumentative and loving.


Do Not Disturb - Pull me closer until our breath combines Sway me like oceans controlled by the moon Let your fingers dance on my skin I want to play this game with you Moves made to control the other Hands delicately placed to tease you Crimson lips on your neck Bruise this body with my words Leave my mark, show them where I’ve been Show them all what I’ve claimed Draw the limits The desperation lingering in water droplets in the air In the dark, no one would ever know That I’m snaking my arms around your neck Bodies that fit together like jigsaw pieces Glued together until they are inseparable Good girls Smart, little polite girls Succumb to temptation behind closed doors We’re going to hell anyway May as well them hear me I won’t be silenced Water merging into wine I am blind to all else Give me your guidance Describe the rising sun to me I can only see your face now Storm in a Teacup - He was not a rose with thorns Or a daisy being forever plucked He loves me He loves me not He was weaving ivy Everytime I cut him back He’d creep through the smallest crevice He would find the gate to the hidden garden in my heart Unlock the latch and wind through each part of me So slowly at first That one would not even know he was there Until the garden was overrun with vines The ivy lies across the lawn, a perfect Greek God Caresses the lilies by the pond Holds up the climbing roses as they grow Until everything that grew needed him to support them Dependent on those emerald leaves to protect them from the storm brewing overhead Or shade in the middle of the hot summer’s day I let the ivy grow Life in the garden became so jaded So when summer drew to a close The ivy began to retreat And the garden started to die Piece by piece The lawn yellowed The lilies dipped below the surface of the pond and drowned The climbing roses, with nothing to hold onto, fell softly The birds stopped singing And devastation reigned At the mercy of loss I kneeled at the edge of my secret garden Hands in the dirt Barefoot and shivering Wishing the ivy would return I should have known better Put padlocks on the gate and locked only myself inside Placed poison around the perimeter But more fool me Let the ivy tie around my wrists and throat Carry me away

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Don Matthews

Sun 29th Dec 2019 20:43

Argumentative? You'll make a good lawyer. And you wear your heart on your sleeve?. I'll remember to call you when I need a lawyer.....

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Cait Abbott

Sun 14th Jul 2019 20:02

Thank you all for your kind words

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John Marks

Sun 14th Jul 2019 00:59

I like your style Cait. Original writing is hard and poetry almost impossible, at times. Good luck with your writing. You voice is subtle and nuanced. Nobody can teach you that. It's a gift, so work at it.

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AM Cash

Sat 13th Jul 2019 00:00

Great work ?

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Jason Bayliss

Sat 6th Jul 2019 23:51

Hi Cait, just wanted to say, superb samples. I mean, really superb.

J. x

Big Sal

Wed 29th Aug 2018 22:05

Some great titles you have collected.?

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Jade Johannsen

Tue 18th Apr 2017 22:30

Hi Cait,

Welcome to WOL! Thanks for checking out my blog.

Looking forward to having a read through your entries ?

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