The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A Christmas Bauble

As snow came down

her wondrous eyes

flared as bright

as winter skies


She imagined they fell

from Santa's sleigh 

And that he might

pop down & say:


What a good girl

you've been this year 

You may get more

than an apple & pear!


And through a window

frosted lightly,

she saw a snowman

fat, but sprightly!


He danced & raised

his batt...

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Two decades of uniqueness and joy so far and many more to come 

Her name means Life 

Who is like God is the name meaning of her mum


Father Paul ..small and Hansom according to the bible of name meaning 

Kind hearted tower of strength 

Wife Michelle ,because of her he's beaming 

Eve she keeps them breathing 


The heart and soul of her folks existence 

Such bond 


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Imagine freedom being tied

To how far you can run

Be it from a gun,

your mum

Running from expectations

You're acting like a bum

Someone's son

To succumb to banal pleasures

You bum

Experienced pleanty these few years

But yet still

A master of none


The cat has 9 lives

You live to tell one tale

You've been given plenty of opportunities

And yet you fai...

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A little girl that got lost

My dad gave me a pair of glasses when I was about 5

It confused me a little

He said, “This is the only thing you’ll ever need.” 

“This will keep you as my little girl,” he said

He put it on and looked at me with a smile

With a warm one, I could see he liked it this way

I wondered back then if the warmth would cool if I took it off

but I didn’t want to find out so soon

I cou...

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FamilytraumasadnessDaddy issues

Family Tree


Her wrinkled hand took hold of his

as she sang a grand old song

Her grandson  looked at it & said:

You've been in the bath too long!


She said, "Those creases are like  the circles 

within a wonderful tree!

It shows how long I've been around

How long that I've been me!"


There's a lot of creases there, Grandma

They've spread right up to your face!

I recko...

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the 5th kitten

4 little kittens went to see their mommy

anger, desperation, hope and beauty

the first one was to reach the light, but then appeared another cat in its way

she got so mad he was there, that she didn’t move at day

she thought I would rather stay here for a thousand years

than get a step closer for him to see my weak display of tears

then desperation reached anger’s cries 

and t...

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A Simple Question

I asked God, what is my purpose?

There was nothing, but the stillness of time

I asked Allah, what is my purpose? 

There was nothing, but the stillness of time

I asked the Buddha, what is my purpose?

There was nothing, but the stillness of time

I asked my daughter,  what is my purpose?

She said, with a wrinkled brow 

To be my Dad, of course 

To have met & married my Mam


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The color yellow looks different when I look through your eyes,

As if the fields are made of emeralds decorated in butterflies,

And then I see pollen fly and descend to the wind’s singing

And embed themselves into beds’ sheets’ linen.


The coursing of dance mimics a river current

And I involuntarily admire your freckles and the rose of your cheeks like they’re sunbu...

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joynaturelovefriendshipfamilypoem from collegepoly amorous lie who cares it's brokenflowers optimism happiness

You Will Never Know

Do you have questions,
Ones that could not possibly be answered?
The assurance of peace,
I suppose now I must find solace in the unknown,
That perhaps ignorance could be my silver lining.
It is not.
Nightmares take shape from loose ends,
The brain defaults to fear when it must assume.
Fear circumvents my ambition,
How can I continue,
When I will never know?
My focus limited due...

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adult topicsdeathpeacefamily

Young Family In The Sunshine

Over by the river, a young family
painted by the sunshine
So comfortable in their skin
so happy
Little baby, beautiful mother
loving father

Pulling silly faces
the three of them 
He looks strong and clear minded
by the truth of honest purpose

Life seems simple, warm
they wear their love 
like a tattoo
Working together
to overcome the daily challenges


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How It Should Bee...





Modern world blocking the transmission?

Too much traffic? 

A world too erratic


Does the whispering grass 

still play a tune

Or has brick and mortar 

brought it to ruin?


This world is so fast!

Take me back to the past!

It makes such a din

I don't know where to begin!


And cars, 

bloody cars everywhere!

If I had an...

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