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Love (Remove filter)

What I'd Do For You

Give you a thousand roses and a thousand violins
A thousand manned choir to sing you a thousand hymns
Light up a thousand stars in the image of your face
Give me a thousand wishes and I'd wish most of the same
Nine hundred ninety-nine wishes, I'd wish for one more day
To spend with you, then change my wish when my last wish came
On the thousandth wish, I'd wish for a thousand more
Wishes, t...

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lovelove poemsromanceromantic

Love Isn't


Love isn’t some little thing that goes ding!

It isn’t a song that you can sing.

It’s not something that might happen in a flash,

It doesn’t happen while driving and cause you to crash.


Love isn’t something tangible, something you can see,

It's pretty much invisible, to both you and to me.

It’s something that will join us and hold us together,

It’s a feeling that will...

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I've seen it, dreamed it, and thought of it, but never felt it.

I've seen it in movies. I've seen it in life. I see it all the time. I've seen all the ups and downs that comes with it. I've seen the way how it can make someone so sad or happy in a split of a second. I've seen the colors of it; bright and dark. I've seen it, dreamed it, and thought of it, but never felt it.......................... I am a loveless lost soul just waiting to be loved.

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lovenever felt it

Let there be love!

There once was a man that said
he"d loved all his children no matter what.
And if that's so and if we choose to believe it
then why can't we accept they way others love
if he can?

Because quite frankly
everyone deserve to be loved.
And when being loved or loving one
it shouldn't matter about the fact
that a guy likes another guy
or the fact that a women
likes another women
because lo...

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lovelove is lovegod loves allgodrespectstop the bullyinghuman


Abstract anxiety eats at razor thinned shins,

Anguish engulfs lost and last,

Previous pretenses portray pessimistic pain,

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Life's Lost Life

Flicked  flickering sand slices slashes

Pain and anguish portrude pen to paper

Releasing resting relief from crooked corner

Creation creates creativity

Crusty cankers and  cracked crevices

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Metamorphosis mends mistaken misfortunes


Traumatic tyranny transitions into timid tranquility


 Backwards Glances shattered broken ballice


Forward movements free flowing fallacies

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Insignificant Insignificance eats at inner ear

Shards of sharp shrapnel strip shreeking skin

Unforseen, unseen, unforgiving,

Protruding, penetrating, pessimmistic



Closed minds opens eyes visions.

Escaping winds sweep, swept

Past's present forgets future's flames

Burning chips, flake, flick, flicker

Crackling crass crackled cracked cracker


Whispering Shi...

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Last Life

A last life's last breadth leaks

little by little

A last life's moments mimic movement

passing past present and perish

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Life's Lost Sense of Direction

Walking through  lost lucid sense of direction

Feelings seem sporadically stagnant at times

Wishing and hopeful, line of less looseness

Mucky muddle misses points momentarily   

Researching rational reasons for ridiculousness

Searching for some sort of sense of serenity   

Serenity sets sometimes but for some reasons so unclear

Insanity insists but sanity seems so insane durin...

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Need me like I need you

You said that I deserved better,
so you told me that it was over.
But I don't deserve better;
I deserve you and only you.
You're the only one for me
and I need you to see that.

I want you to need me
like the way I need you.
I need you so much more
than what you think.

I want you to need me
like the air you breathe.
I want you to need me
like the flowers need water.
I want you to ...

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i need youloveneed methe one

Drowning in You

I am torn between what I want and what I need. The sensible part of me urges me to let you go. But the other part of me begs me to let you stay. A constant conflict inside me, trying to break free. The hardest part is not knowing. I’m heartless and loveless but you bring me to my knees. I’m weak in your embrace and you conquer me. I’ve spent much time building up the walls around my heart. With on...

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Final Masterpiece

She was a painter and he was a performer. Both artists molded with talent but divided by passion. Nonetheless they connected emotionally and spiritually. Her canvas illustrated bright myriads of color and abstract scenes of memories and mental photographs. He sang with an emptiness of blues and love ballads intertwined with lost hopes and faded dreams. Empty acrylic paint tubes and coffee stained ...

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Thats Love

A feeling unknown surrounds my aching bones,


A feeling felt before but on a totally different course,


A good, bad, happy, sad, feeling of confusion,


An autopsy needed to look at my heart before these feelings stop,


All this makes no since and writing it out in inconvenient,


As I try to separate words from feeling I end up lost,


There are no words to ...

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With You....

I'd always sat alone.
And always thought to myself.
I'd never said a word.
And I'd never been outspoken
until you came and until we became as one.

Because with you, I am happy.
With you, nothing else matters.
With you, I feel accepted.
With you, I feel a part of something
and with you, I am myself
Not no one else.

But, without you,
I am everything but happy.
Without you, somehow t...

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better with youlove

Dear Brother

My poor dear brother,
I don't know you
and you don't know me.

Your name is Robert.
My name is Crystal.

You were born on march 4th,
 and I was born on March 14th.

You are three years older,
and i am three years younger.

But, my poor dear brother,
Although we don't know much
bout each other, I somehow still feel close to you
and I know that someday we'll meet again.

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brothersisterunknownclose to youmeet againsomedayhopelove


L is for limitless.
For our limitless love
that will continue to grow.

O is for only you.
For you're the only one
I adore to see.

V is for voice.
For your voice that speaks
of an angel.

E is for extraordinary.
For our extraordinary love
for another, that is so rare.

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You took my Heart

You took my heart
and held it your arms.

You took my heart
and guard it with your soul.

You took my heart
and filled it with love.

You took my heart
and showed me how to love,
and how it feels to be loved,
but just like that
you tore my heart into pieces.

You took my once empty heart
and filled it love.
Then in a blink of an eye
you destroyed it.
Making my heart
an empty pl...

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brokefilled with lovepiecessadlovedestroy

Your Meaningless Love

If I asked you if you loved me
would you mean every word you spoke.
If I asked you if you thought of me
- your distant child-
would I find that special moment
when you thought of me so dearly.

But if you ask me if I loved you
there wouldn't be any words
that could express my feelings
I have towards you, just silence in reply.
And if you asked me if I thought of you,
you would see tear...

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lovemeanignlessdaughtermothersaddistant child

Free Write - Little Souls

Wishing humble resolution, reversed on both ends of a lucid looking glass. Hoping hopelessness, Remembering remnants, miniscule moments. What could have been different my innocents, pieces, parts, carbon copies of the softened edges of my sanctified soul. Forever asking for your eternal forgiveness. Unable to forget the forgetable fear, between your eyes.... And mine. The moment, minute, of ...

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painkidssorrowfree writeabstractloveagonytruechildrenforgiveness


I awoke with the lingering vibrations of un-human dreams.

You were the first and only thing I thought of

I know that's special, because after diving into the depth of my spirituality

I don't think of anything human.

As if my brain is hazed 

Preserving itself for the great

Nothing penetrates

...but there you are

If I could force this onto you

Breathe this satisfying and l...

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subconcious thoughtlovethinking


I stare at your back, as if a portrait

hung to study. 
Bare, I stroke it where it is open as
you snore.
Touch freckles and moles with stealth. There,
I shut my eyes when you wake and sneeze,
I open them again when you fall back to sleep,
Watch as your lips gather the white
sticky dregs of the night,
I wish I could taste it.

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To love music is to know how it feels to love another,
The same swell of your heart, the same touch upon your soul,
That magical, almost painful feeling of being about to burst!
Music gets me giddy and high, like daisy-strewn hippies in the grass,
And helps me see beyond the walls of my own life, to the rainbows of the cosmos
It feeds my hunger and quenches my aching thirst.

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I grip the blade,

I can't cut,

I handle the rope,

Unable to tie the knot.


I had a bottle of pills;

Poured them down the drain,

I lost the suns warmth,;

Waited in the rain.


A thought of your essence,

I swiftly hold back,

Every weappn of mine,

As the force slowly lacks.


Letting my sadness roam,

But not a thought roamed,

'Cause you're fighting,


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Lovefightingself harmfriendshipstaying strong

The Faol's Tale of Forsaken Love

Leader of his own pack,

A high slope, only to his lonesome self,

Lost connection toward the skys tired eyes,

Ears tucked in deepening sulk.


He'd given up on prey's prayful ease,

Wrapped in dolefuls constructed salute,

As if every pelt surrounded him in scorn,

Soon forgotten travail, a yelp inflicted his oiled mood.


Cascading into his perception, he had seen a limb...

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Being aloneanimalsloveoutcastsuicidesorrow

Beauty Unseen

Frozen sighs shadow thick,

Fire heaving through the giants teeth,

Her silk dress gliding gently, serene,

Eyes beating like drums on Winter Eve.

He quells her silent tears,

Caressing her sea of particles,

Eliminating the smudges wept across her jaw,

For her eyes spilled a thousand written articles.

"Beauty, beauty is within and without,"

He articulates, palm leveling her ...

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(‘Ask me why and I’ll spit in your eye’ - The Smiths)

Pinch the rogue flesh slipping from my jeans,
Dig each thumb and forefinger into my hand,
Scratch me with that caress and turn when I blush,
Let the fire wash over my face whilst pretending not to realise.

Leave me be even though our legs are intertwined,
Please leave me be even though our mouths talk and share,
Leave me be even thou...

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Living the Eternity

You walk
You stand
You speak
Then you are quiet
You love
You hate
You fight
You make peace
You cry
You laugh
You live
You die
And you live again

You inhale so many lifetimes,
Your home is the universe,
Your time is eternity.

Words you speak are never silent,
Deeds of yours are never unseen,
Steps you take never fade,
Emotions you share always felt.

We often ask the questi...

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