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Hope (Remove filter)

A Fool

I am not a fool for loving you.
I am not a fool for trusting you.
I am not a fool for giving you
everything that I had.
A fool is not what I am
and a fool is who I shall not be.

It is what you've become
in this situation.

You are the fool for not loving me
the way I deserved to be loved.
You are the fool for not being
the man that you needed to be.
You are the fool for letting me g...

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Foolishlovebrokensadhopemangivng upbaby

last out of Pandora's box (and last to die)

The sun is always there

you used to say

there behind the clouds

waiting to break through.


I hung on those words.


And now I wish you were here

so that I could show you

how outside the rain’s been falling

for longer than I remember

day after day after day

and the skies are grey and heavy

the streets run with water

the fine clothes we were so proud of


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Tight rope

All sides, when darkness me envelop
Hopelessly, when unthinkable seems hope
A chimera, when the abyss
With saw-like teeth yawns
Expectant me to drop,
To cling on, to cross over
There is a tight rope
God-for a single second
That doesn't stop
To emerge atop
Up all problems that pop!

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Death valleyFrustrationGodHopeking DavidSpiritual

Run With Me


I still cant find you, looking around and you're not here. 

You're lost in this word, and Im here on my knees. 

Trying to get where I need to be, So that I'll be there when you find me. 

But until that time, I'll sit and wait, and hope tomorrow brings a brand new day. 

And maybe then, I'll get the chance, to look around and hold your hand. 

To see your face, to make you glad.


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The Demise of the Optimist

I arose to a light each day
No fret nor fear
Light was my heart each day
No burden of tomorrow

Swift was the awakening
And thus came the end
For the warm and friendly optimist

Maybe it was dust was buried
Or the earth that swallowed
The oh so promising optimist

Cries went unheard
Of a life endangered
By the swallowing ignorance
And the engulfing endeavors

Lasting only so long

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Dear Brother

My poor dear brother,
I don't know you
and you don't know me.

Your name is Robert.
My name is Crystal.

You were born on march 4th,
 and I was born on March 14th.

You are three years older,
and i am three years younger.

But, my poor dear brother,
Although we don't know much
bout each other, I somehow still feel close to you
and I know that someday we'll meet again.

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brothersisterunknownclose to youmeet againsomedayhopelove

When you find..

When you find that day
that moment when,
when you realize you're just an mistake.
That your shine you thought you had
has been ripped away from your soul.
Your eyes begin to shed of tears.

When you find that day
that moment when,
when you realize you're worth
as much as a penny that's been tossed away.
Your scaring then becomes an healing
for just that one moment.

And when you find...

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that daylosthopekeep going

Beauty Unseen

Frozen sighs shadow thick,

Fire heaving through the giants teeth,

Her silk dress gliding gently, serene,

Eyes beating like drums on Winter Eve.

He quells her silent tears,

Caressing her sea of particles,

Eliminating the smudges wept across her jaw,

For her eyes spilled a thousand written articles.

"Beauty, beauty is within and without,"

He articulates, palm leveling her ...

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Swept away by these waves of confusion,

Iam now stranded in the island of chaos.

Just yesterday I was dreamily looking into the horizon;

Peacefully sailing in my boat of bliss.

I didn't see that big wave coming,

I didn't hear the roar of thunder,

I couldn't smell the storm.


And now Iam all alone in this strange wilderness;

I see no light,I can f...

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Moving (on)

Empty boxes now unpacked,

I pretty sure I left with more.

A new house with new memories,

But an old house with bare floors.


Still there's promise in the air,

And potential in the frame.

Perhaps here I will thrive,

I know it can't be the same.



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A River

I sat upon a cold creek bank,
I often do this when I think,
Or ponder over the deeper things,
Like, "what does the future bring?"

Now, the water seldom answers back,
So I sit there, listen, and relax,
And let my mind wander off,
To other shores and other thoughts,

But today the water heard my cry,
And decided, though I don't know why,
To take interest in a lost man's plight,
And o...

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I Thought to Try Something Different (preface to "A River")

I must admit that I usually do a few, short and simple poems a day. There is nothing wrong with this, and I normally do, and will most likely continue, to write in this manner. But when I woke up today, seeing as it was my off day, I thought I might try something outside of my comfort zone. And so I wrote the longest poem that I have ever written (not so long by most standards, but long for me). I...

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The Slow Boy

The teachers told him not to dream too big,
That his talents lay somewhere other than Arithmetic,
That English would never be so kind,
As to reveal its secrets to his young mind,
That History was better served,
By someone who could steer its curves,
That Science was a distant star,
So he shouldn't try to reach too far.

Maybe because he was so slow,
He didn't listen to them blow,
But to...

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No Dark Shadows

Time rolls round too fast for me these days,

it feels like a hurricane though once just a breeze

there are days when that is a blessing to be sure, 

when pain dominates and I just want to slam close the door

but then another comes when the sky returns to bright blue

and I get to thinking there is still so much yet to do…  


That's when I get busy and the urgency starts to r...

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Wednesday's Child

Wednesday's Child, I kept you

At the length of an arm

I hope I didn't cause you any harm.


Guilt ridden, I look at you now

As brave as a full grown man

But just a child, unflinching

Batting away each challenge

That comes your way.


Wednesday's Child, your spirit

Knows no bounds, full of woe?

I don't think so. No.


Full of resilience and strength


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Her & Bear

Her & Bear


There was once a girl with a Teddy Bear

The teddy bear was part of her


They played, they cuddled they had such fun

They’d sing and dance and laugh and run


And then one day she met a boy

Who wished to take care of her toy


She loved that boy with all her heart

She always thought they’d never part


The boy was mean he hurt the bear

He k...

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Home By Christmas

Home By Christmas

I fear I let my feelings rule my head,
that you would have no trouble getting leave.
You would be home by Christmas as they said.

All through the Autumn, sleeping cold in bed,
I dreamt of all our marriage would achieve.
I fear I let my feelings rule my head.

Not since the day that both of us were wed
had we missed carols, sung that holy eve.
You would be home by Ch...

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deathhome by christmashopelossvillanellewar poemSITWB

Trading Places

Time to sever all alliances

shades dark which depict


No purpose those serve

 and independence restrict


Had my share of amends

 beliefs now must uphold


 Fix impending glitches

skewed life thus remold


All of robbed past verve

it’s time now to beget


 Seek out fresher vistas

sans cause for any upset


In environs carved out


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Fraught Grapple


Now nearly at the cusp of finding logic to the dare

With expended all vigor and resources in despair


Past forte banked upon has since proven wrong

Heart though persistent, head tells to move along


Most of earlier envisaged is contrarily turning about

Staunchest of old values now cast many a doubt


Notwithstanding abilities, I feel isolated and prone


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Assesmentmisclaculationsretrospectioncontradictionhopewinds of change

Deemed Rapture









Some day in the future

dawn will break again


None be grudges nursed

 or space  for any disdain


Where vales be pristine

 living modest and plain


Bliss ...

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A Longing

At core of it all is yearning

to someone similar belong


Another there to relate to

and walk  distances along


Bond in sort of perpetuity

till  infinitum which extends


Joyous in times favorable

 supportive in nasty bends


Tolerant of most nuances

offering emotional bind


Forever whetting intellect

as stimulus for the mind

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