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fake love (Remove filter)

Placebo effect

Your love is the most strenuous placebo effect.

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lovefake loveloverslies

Faux Roses

Coarse dusky pink petals
sprinkled with fake crystals
promising a forever
but, smells fake...
I'd rather keep it real
even though it'll fade
in a day or mostly two,
its sweet scent will linger
forever in muse...

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lovefake lovereality

Imposter Begets Imposter?

Who am I

why do I

when will I

where can I

Answers elude

My identity un-formed and crude


Mother pretends

The show never ends

Until the curtain is drawn 

All the doors are closed and simulations suspend


I don't know who I am

Give anything to be sure

Stand firm in my convictions 

On both sides of the door


No duplicity here

All masks removed


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aspirationsfake lovehopenarcissistic abuserelationships

I Fell into Hell for you, Thinking "with you", Only to be Used by You

i tell you it seems to every time "ignore this long ass message", i'd rather you not pretend that you care and pretend you got what i said just to get back into my bed... or for you to check it and as usual, silently leave me on read - cause its what you do best, and well,  that is to fuck with my head.. that's ok though, its just goes to show, any love or feelings for you, they no longer stand - ...

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cruz 2017devils datefake lovefaked what you made me feellove was not realsold my soul

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