The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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goddess (Remove filter)

The Evo’s Gift - Forgiven Sin

The resounding sins, of

many echo through

their etheric karma

manifesting the

good intentions, of

Personal Truth


at the end of the day the air waves:

find their way back home,

when the sun goes down, and

the lights go out at night


lightning never strikes the same place twice

however, once in a while you wonder…How? 


In the world we live in —


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The Mother Kali

All say the NIGHT is nothing but you
After repellent darkness a day new,
The firefly that takes the PRIDE
Is none other than luminescent light,
A bud gets its fulfilment lonely
In darkness is YOU(mother) the latency,
The sun has got the ball of fire
The cloud is devoid of guile white
Sailing in the space so bright:
Whiteness of impeccability is yours
The golden...

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You're a Goddess he said 

A sexual Goddess 

There's something about you that makes me obsess 

You own me he said 

In that way for sure 

The queen of my bed 

I can't take no more 

This power you hold and your sweet non intention 

Like a spell you control 

This whole new dimension 

Fantasy maybe

Closeness is tension 

Yes shy modest maybe 

Sex Goddess Lady 


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obsession?sexual goddessFantasygoddess

Chikyū / 地球

Ostracised by society for my ancestors blood flowing in my veins,


Was once kings and queens but now stuck in postcolonial chains.


Our people in power are now corrupt playing the slave owners games,


As their puppeteer allows them small wealth as long as they keep us all tamed. 

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She got a hand for every one of her virtues
Showing goals a path for the soul
There is nothing she can do

A goddess with a wealth of spiritual beauty
The moon will dance for her

Golden completion the lotus blooms for her
Not obsessed with what she gives or what she gets
Everyone loves her children are named after her

She gives good luck with ever touch
Wisdom and p...

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Poetry 2016LakshmiIndiaGoddesshindu culture

Dear Goddess, Mercy!

Blue thy name blue thou cosmos

Guide you’ve been, how shall I be?

Locked in solitude I miss thee

Self introspection and I see

The laughing element inside me.

Dear Goddess, Mercy!

Bless me divinity and everything fancy.

Dear Goddess, Mercy!


The Eden is full of flowers yellow and red

The trees bear fruits that God had said

Beyond the world some place unknown

I s...

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The Lost selfie of Kim Kardashian.

Astarte, Holy Isis, Diana,


  unknown nymphs of wood or wave ,


all encompassing Nut,


 whose gracile arch holds up the heavens clear.


  of such fierce womanhood I would hear.


 But ever does my old lyre Wish to strum,

  Only for that bulbous bum.


 Hittite badonkadonk! Great ass of Akkad! 


Whose forebears defied the might of pharaoh ,



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Blue Flare

~~Orphan phantom all alone
Within reach from dusk till dawn
Scuttling limbs of Arthropods
Play the harmonious earthly cords
Bitter velvet in water’s core
Chanting monks, four by four
Angelic screams jogs the storm
As hounding harps rabbits their form
Burning icebergs cremating ghoul
Ecstatic mermaids make love to fools
Travellers boat, companion Charon
Spring has lost to Persophone

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Greek MythMythologyunderworldgoddessghoulsfantasy realmsFantasyfantasy planetfiction



The lady was a goddess in her looks and demeanor. Very beautiful in every way. From the way she swayed her hips to her seductive smile to fluttering her eyelids. It was what wasn’t said that got men’s attention but the hidden and unseen, images placed in their minds eye. Only one man was lucky to own her heart. For a long time they were happy. Then he fucked it up big time. They ha...

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domesticfightman and womangoddessrevenge





The Goddess of war makes her stand in the upper skies,

pitting man and machine in deadly battle.

Hazy colours of blue and grey make way for burning

fire and pyres of smoke.

Up here she knows no mercy as men die

in a second to please her lust for death.

No one can beat her as she is immortal and ubiquitous.

Make just one mistake and she’ll ...

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