The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Hope (Remove filter)

Here With Me

Sometimes I feel like a soul that's forever searching.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find the light.

I get weary.  I grasp for hope.

Sometimes I wonder, am I getting accustomed

To stumbling around in the dark of night?

I know I'll never stop my searching.

Even if it cost me everything that I hold dear.

Just to find out that You are

And have always been... right here.

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Gloom Of Grey

I walk this walk in winter’s fog

along the path to fill each day.

Each stranger I see barely nods,

they pass by without aught to say. 


Against the cold I wrap my coat

while trying to ignore the sting

and thoughts of all the miles ahead

that passing through this season brings. 


I still recall the trees in color.

It seems like just a day ago.

I dream of time i...

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strugglelife struggleinner strugglefaithhope

If I were God...

If I were God, no tyrant’s fist Would strike the world and call it law. No throne would stand on broken backs, No crown be forged from cries of pain. The fattened few who drink from veins Of those who toil, who starve, who break, Would wake to find their golden feasts Had turned to dust upon their tongues. No child would fade to hollow bone, No mother beg for crusts of bread, No fa...

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Unyielding Heroes

Today, three years ago, Russia launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine, shattering peace and unleashing a wave of destruction. Towns were levelled, lives torn apart, and a nation thrust into an endless struggle for survival. Despite the relentless violence, Ukraine remains unyielding, its people refusing to surrender. The world has watched as the cost in blood and suffering continues to rise, and ...

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Ukrainewarresistanceresiliencedestructionfreedomsacrificelossdefiancesurvivaltragedystrengthsovereigntyunyieldingwar crimesresistance spiritbrutalityhopewar anniversarycouragesuffering

The Snow is not to blame

The snow is not to blame

In fact, it covers it up

All that I see is kindness

On the white covered ground


The snow is not to blame


It offers a rest bite

from worry,

as the crystals float past

my window  


an endless letting


an endless letting


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I swear to tell the … the Whole … and Nothing but the … ! [or The Client Hack’s Tale]

The Berlin Holocaust Memorial is stark.

For the Tool though, those Stelae made a brilliant backdrop

to his ‘Twenty-Two election publicity lark;

The Shoa, he reduced to a pantomime prop,

Behind you, behind you! Look, Sir, it’s the …!


At Auschwitz yer man is on ‘Twenty-Five’s photo-shoot,

The strain in his face, act studiously honed

to show that he cares, oh, look at him, ...

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truthhopehatehummusPalestiniansIsraelisThe NakbaThe ShoaThe HolocaustBerlinAuschwitz

Listening For Change

This poem is about a society increasingly divided, where accusations fly and truth seems lost. It speaks to the urgency of listening instead of blaming, understanding instead of judging, and choosing hope over fear. In a world where opinions are quickly voiced and emotions run high, the poem urges a shift in perspective—one that values connection, love, and the strength to find hope, even in diffi...

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hopesocietychangeunderstandingsocial medialovestrengthtruthhope vs expectationsdivisionlisteningresiliencefutureempowerment

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