vulnerability (Remove filter)
If I look at you softly, will you embrace me?
Not with a physical touch, but with gentle words of comfort.
Will you see the raw vulnerability in my gaze, the unspoken longing for connection?
Will you meet me there, in that quiet space between us?
If I whisper my anxieties that swirl within, will you listen without judgement?
Will you hold space for my vulnerability, without trying t...
Saturday 22nd February 2025 7:17 pm
Not Broken, Just Outspoken
Why can’t I just be outspoken?
Why does my confidence in being who I am, make people think I’m broken?
It is true that my life has not always been kind,
But having a bad life doesn’t have to result in having a bad mind.
I take pride in what got me where I am today,
While others stare silently and listen in dismay.
Admittedly, the road I took was not always by choice,
But ...
Friday 29th March 2024 9:58 pm
My Love Is For Me, Not For You
Roses are red, violets are blue,
When I think of your love for me, I lose love for you.
What does my love feel like to me?
Being surrounded by beauty that only I can see.
Hidden behind my smile is someone fragile, flawed, and easily broken.
I showed you all of my healed scars and one by one you ripped them back open.
Again and again, my mind retreats to happier days while I ...
Wednesday 27th March 2024 1:03 am
I’ve peeled off my skin for you
I’ve let you crunch my bones,
Consume beyond my flesh
Beyond my visceral tissues
Beyond my beating heart
Beyond the fibres of my being
Down to my soul
I’ve let you gobble up my spirit
I’ve let you slurp up my mind
Lick the lasting crumbs
of my emotions
Everything in me
Everything making me, me
All that constructs me
Monday 27th February 2023 6:22 pm
My trauma sees your trauma
My trauma sees your trauma
We are only skin deep
While we don't know the heavy stuff about each other
One stranger to another stranger
To cross that line
Can bring connection
But with that, vulnerability and perceived danger
I want to take that step with you
But I'm afraid of what it might stir up
It may bring us closer together
Albeit, it might just trigge...
Sunday 21st March 2021 8:13 am
The End is Nigh
The end is nigh
And here am I
On the edge and trembling
Who will catch me if I fall
Who will be there for it all
The one who stays from end to end
The one who I can call my friend
The one who loves me true and through
The one who knows just what to do
When the end is nigh.
The end is nigh
And here am I
Cascading through the follies
Who will help me find ...
Friday 12th April 2019 9:19 pm
Write or Wrong
I write, but I may be wrong
So I cross things out as I go along
Sometimes I will uncross too
Go back, revisit, start anew.
I write, but I may not know
The proper style or way to go
To free the feelings that I feel
And portray them true, with zest and zeal.
I write, but sometimes I ask
What is the purpose of this task?
Does any body realy care
To see and hear what I...
Saturday 6th April 2019 2:44 pm
Sleeping through earthquakes
If I am your world
with my head lying on your chest,
then is the b-beat b-beating tectonic plates?
Is your heart safely caged?
Can I lift my head or will you break?
You are the love between my legs.
You are my love, between my legs.
Are you the birthmark on my flesh?
It beats: s-stay s-stay...
Is your heart safely caged?
Friday 17th August 2018 6:47 pm
You. Empowered.
By me.
My faith.
My hope.
My answer.
To your tender question.
Your enquiry,
over a metter delicate.
A subject I hold close.
A card I let none other see.
A card that hurts,
for as long as
I hold this hand.
So, to play.
Show this hand.
Exposes part of me that's easy to injure.
A part held dear.
With ...
Friday 19th May 2017 5:20 pm
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