The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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His love for her was strong but still,

a longing in his soul

took him to where he could be free,

but ocean’s take their toll.


He never did return

although she waited faithfully.

Day and night she sat there watching,

hoping she would see.


She prayed that his ship would return

but fate will have its way.

She waited til her time was spent,

until her hairs ...

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longinglossloveheartachebroken heartlost love

Beneath the Noise

We carry wounds which no one sees, Stripped bare by the world's quiet indifference. A life lost, forgotten by time's cruel hands, Moments of sorrow fade beneath others' noise. A bomb bursts, its weight unseen, And the rubble settles—no one comes to mourn. We sit with our aching bodies, Alone in a world that turns its back. A sickness takes root, And the world moves on—too busy, too ...

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grieflossisolationempathyindifferencesufferingwarhungeranimal crueltysilent painhuman behaviourinjusticeneglectloneliness

Unyielding Heroes

Today, three years ago, Russia launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine, shattering peace and unleashing a wave of destruction. Towns were levelled, lives torn apart, and a nation thrust into an endless struggle for survival. Despite the relentless violence, Ukraine remains unyielding, its people refusing to surrender. The world has watched as the cost in blood and suffering continues to rise, and ...

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Ukrainewarresistanceresiliencedestructionfreedomsacrificelossdefiancesurvivaltragedystrengthsovereigntyunyieldingwar crimesresistance spiritbrutalityhopewar anniversarycouragesuffering

December Rainy Night

Starring out my window this December rainy night,

all I can do is long for you again.

Sometimes I feel I’m over you, like maybe I just might

move on and forget about all that’s been.


But as the raindrops fall, all of the tears I hold inside

come tumbling down as blue skies turn to grey.

And then it doesn’t matter much, how hard I have tried

to let you go and go another wa...

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lovelosslongingloss lovelove hurts

The Price of Submission

This poem tries to explore the personal and societal consequences of living under a prospecitve dictatorship, where the truth is silenced, and freedom of the press is crushed. Through the fate of figures like Jim Acosta, the poem reflects on the heavy price of speaking out against tyranny and the loss of voice in a world where obedience reigns. A stark warning of what happens when dissent is erase...

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dictatorshipfreedom of the pressdissentAcostacensorshiptyrannysilencelossresistanceoppressionmedia manipulationfreedom of speechauthoritarianismtruth

Now and Forever

Now and Forever


Barely detectable to those in the vicinity.

A nudge to the conscience at most.

Perhaps it was a glitch in the matrix,

Or an insignificant memory lapse.

She was compassionate and vaguely familiar,

But her name escaped him for now.


She gazed into his pale blue eyes,

Recalling the moment they first met her own.

An instant connection she thought wou...

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Another star twinkles its last
And yet the sky does not mourn

Only the moon weeps gently
Behind the wisps of clouds
But still the golden star will rise
Breaking horizons line
In reds, pinks and yellow
and the land answers with song.

Only the sea whispers gently
Against the grey rocks
Bubbling through the pebbles
Murmuring of memories
But still the mountains stand
Defiant and stron...

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Stoney garden

Toys, mugs and letters dress this stoney garden

In lines that would not impress a cold, gnarled sargent


Stones stagger around like crooked teeth

Adorned with names, chocolates and festive wreaths

The view is long, sprawling forever

Lost but knowing in its endevour


The living are still, smiling through their solemness 

Clutching Birthday cards with Christmas sadness


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